Trying to Hold it Together

There are times in life where it is incredibly easy to keep pushing forward. Life goes well, we have a smile on our face and a skip in our step. We feel as though we are winning, as things are going well, and we are moving forward towards something bigger and better. We know where... Continue Reading →

Back to School

It’s that time of year – young children are beyond excited while the older kids are often dreading it, parents are ready for it to come already, burnt out after a busy summer, and College/University students feel the stress creeping up steadily once again. The beautiful summer weather has given way to rain and cold,... Continue Reading →

Started Counseling… Again

This isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve done inpatient and outpatient in the past – different therapists, different cities, different programs… I’ve had some that I loved, and some that I outright hated However, here I am once again, starting counseling. We started with a couples style approach, which scares me even more than just going... Continue Reading →

A Much-Needed Vacation

With the fast pace of day to day life, and the high level of stress that comes with keeping up with bills, the responsibilities of work and generally keeping your life ‘together’ enough each day, maintaining your smile for everyone you see – vacations are VERY important. I am just getting home from one myself.... Continue Reading →

Goodbye to Old Friends

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.” -          Flavia Weedn   Goodbyes are never easy, in fact they are incredibly hard… They downright suck! Recently I have been working on accepting that I am dealing with... Continue Reading →

Practice Self Care

The last week has been a very dark and difficult time for me. Going through waves with depression, where we experience highs and lows, we will inevitably find ourselves struggling at one time or another. It is during this time that I push everyone away, determined to be alone in my dark little world. Not... Continue Reading →

My ‘Friends’ – Guilt and Shame

There are going to be times in our lives that we make mistakes. It may be something small, like losing a friend’s favourite book, or something far more major. Regardless of the complexity and size of the mistake you make, or the reasons why you did what you did, there is one common denominator for... Continue Reading →

Safe in My Happy Place… Or Am I?

Has anyone ever struggled with letting go of the warm safety and comfort of your own bed? While I am usually a morning person, ready to go with a morning workout and a day packed full of to do lists and productive work, I quickly flip to the exact opposite when I’m struggling most. My... Continue Reading →

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